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A thirst for better.

Born out of the belief that we are all better when hydrated and the desire to create a more sustainable solution to plastic bottles, KOR has always been more of a mission than a company. Our first, and only, goal is to ensure everyone had access to pure, clean water no matter where they were. KOR founders Eric Barnes and Paul Shustak used their combined experience with start-ups and big brands to approach hydration with fresh eyes. The two saw no reason why great industrial design couldn’t be combined with sustainability to create a better hydration solution for both our bodies and the planet. It wasn’t easy but after 3 years of (painstaking) development, design and prototyping, KOR launched its very first product, the KOR ONE, in 2008. It immediately caught the attention of the global market for its revolutionary design, functionality and sustainability. Since then, KOR has continued to push the limits of sustainable hydration with innovative home systems, filtered bottles and unconventional filters.

The meaning of KOR.

The name KOR represents not only our anatomical center but also our core beliefs, values and aspirations. Only when your core is fully hydrated can you truly function at your best. The water drop logo depicts the balance that exists within us as well as our delicate relationship with the world. Just as water cannot be separate from the earth, our bodies are not separate from our minds. The life-long quest to balance the two sides and our insatiable thirst for better, are expressed with the space between the two sides at the top of our logo.